
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in beauty. Hope you have a beautiful day!

Shower Gel Galore

Shower Gel Galore

Some people have a lot of makeup, but I, at one point was a shower gel hoarder. 

Please don’t laugh at me. At one point, I had a huge problem. I have always loved smelling good and one of my biggest fears is some horrid odor coming from somewhere and people are around looking at me with the side eye. It makes no sense, but hey, it's my fear. Any who, because of the above mentioned fear...and the fact that I was working at a retail store that specialized in body products, I couldn’t help myself. Every chance, a new shower gel was purchased. 

At some point, it was so bad, there was over 6 shower gels. I just liked the idea of changing the experience everyday if that was desired. From fruits to flowers, I smelled like what every the shower gel du jour was. There were even other brands too! 

Over time, it became just too much. I decided to not buy so many shower gels. It would be crazy to clock the hours eventually spent in the shower trying to use those washes. On top of that, surely my skin was happy to get a break from smell like different things all the time. Now, I try not to have more than 2-3 shower gels at a time. The best way to avoid feeling pressure to always switch up the wash when a bottle was practically full was getting regular sizes and smaller sizes. Compromise! Thus far, it has worked in my clean and fragrant favor. 

 Do you have or have you had this issue too? 

Pills & Potions for Beauty

Pills & Potions for Beauty

In Lieu of A Night Cream...

In Lieu of A Night Cream...