
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in beauty. Hope you have a beautiful day!

The Beauty in Rest, Reflection and Restarting

The Beauty in Rest, Reflection and Restarting

As I write this, it feels like getting on the horse again. For the past two plus years, I have been away from writing on my site. It was missed, but to return prematurely would have been unwise. Its time for a new level of transparency, in the hopes that it helps someone. 


In 2019's end, something was brewing and we, the world, did not know it yet. A luxury influencer exposed bits of what was going on. It seemed very outlandish and scary, especially for those that had to live it in real time. When 2020 started, it was coming to shake the table. 


The year started with a new job. While getting accustom to the new job, the new global shift was brewing. C-19 slowly started to creep. I remember when this happened, everyone in the office was getting sick. The sickness skipped over me. It was not Rona, but the flu. So happy I was not playing that game of Duck, Duck, Goose. 


When Rona came, one thing I can appreciate about the new job was their quick response to the global crisis. Eventually, the whole team ended up being home. Granted, in the beginning, they separated us in half, as in half in office and the others at home. 


During this time, I was still active with my website and posting on social media. While in the middle of the pandemic, the world was going through so much. Emotionally, it was taxing. There was the pandemic and wondering if it will strike, the murders of Black males (Floyd and Aubrey), jobs letting people go, overall anxiety and the death of my grandmother and mother. 2020 was a lot and I was tired. To be honest, I was just coasting. 



I was always tired. For a year, I cried every day, sometimes twice a day. My response to inquiries about my state was practically "I'm tired." My obsession with bedding and linens went into hardcore overdrive. The need to feel good was heavy. Sleep was a friend that I needed real bad. Every opportunity to get into the bed was taken. To a degree, that is still the case now. Also, sleeping kept me from over eating and over spending. In all honesty, I probably should have considered therapy, but alas, here we are. 



For the last part of 2022, I was sitting in stillness and reflecting on the past two years. It was hard, but I survived. I decided to try to switch my mindset to being in gratitude. It helped. While reflecting on personal aspects, I thought about what I wanted to do, in terms of social media. The need to upgrade, in order to stretch and grow came into play. As I write this now, I'm on a new laptop. It was needed. I think it's time to get back to business. Growth is on the menu! 



Here we are now. The blog/website will see its first post in two years (this one). There are plans to upgrade the social media. Also, I want to restart getting facials. I miss it. Facials were a part of my selfcare routine. Fitness will be next up. This year, I want to feel good. Stay tuned! 



Men Wear Masks Too!

Men Wear Masks Too!

WAXED OFF: My first and possibly last time getting waxed

WAXED OFF: My first and possibly last time getting waxed